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Before we begin the story of crimes and criminals, we will first explain some
terms that will often be used on our site or in the material that we present to
the public.
Crime is a work that is. an act which violates the
criminal law The totality of all crimes committed in a given time in a territory
called a crime.
Ethnic cleansing is the extermination of the
minority by the majority, through imprisonment, persecution and murder, in order
to achieve ethnic homogeneity in a particular territory. Such procedures and
actions are planned and organized, not random.
Massacre (fr. Massacre, sr. Massacre, murder,
massacre, bloodshed) is the act of killing a large number of people
indiscriminately and cruelly. There are definitions that entered the assumption
that the victims of the massacre of helpless that they are not able to prevent
the massacre, for example. old men, women, children or unarmed men. The massacre
was to speak, and when the victims are animals, not just humans.
Genocide (gr. Genos, gender, nation, and lat.
Accidere, kill), an international crime of intentional total or partial
destruction of national, ethnic, racial and religious groups. It belongs to the
most serious crimes against humanity (according to the Nuremberg judgment). The
term Genocide was adopted at the First Session of the General Assembly of the
United Nations (1946). In contrast to the example. Ethnic cleansing, where the
goal is to be given territory "cleansed" of certain groups of people (the
emphasis is on expulsion, although it is usually represented and physical
destruction), with the aim of genocide biological extinction or annihilation.
Pogrom (rus. Pogrom - destruction, devastation) is a
form of mass violence. Today, this term implies persecution and other ethnic,
religious and racial groups.
The Holocaust (gr. Olokauston: completely burned, prefix school and kauston, burned) is the name for a systematic state persecution and genocide of the different ethnic, religious and (or) political groups of people during World War II by Nazi German authorities and their associates. In early examples of the Holocaust include the Kristallnight pogrom in (1938) and the euthanasia program (1939).
Srbosjek the blade that. knife-attached to the solid glove leather. Has been designed for quick slaughter of Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia. It is most used item in the Croatian (Ustasha) concentration camps.
Serb-basher is croatan (ustaška) device used for rapid killing of Serbs in mass killings during World War II. The tools consisted of a wooden handle with a metal ball attached notched. His promotion Serb-basher suffered in January 1942 massacres around Banja Luka.
Chauvinism (named after the Napoleonic soldier
Nicolas Chauvin) is an extreme form of nationalism is, where there is a
disturbance of consciousness ο value of their own nation, tradition and culture,
which creates negative stereotypes ο other, especially neighboring nations,
associated with hatred, contempt, intolerance and aggression toward members of
other nations.