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A concentration camp or Internment camp is the type of camp created for detention of political opponents, members of specific ethnic or religious groups, civilians from war-affected areas or any other group of people. Concentration camps are usually being established during the war and prisoners are being detained without trial.

During the three wars, from 1914-1918, 1941-1945 and 1990-2000, Serbian people experienced true suffering when the brutality of their oppressors reached a peak in the physical and psychological torment of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims which were tortured, raped and killed just because of having different religious or national background.

Establishment of the camps for Serbs was not coincidental and it wasn’t conducted by a small group of soldiers at their own discretion. Quite the opposite, creation of these camps was systematically planned. Such plans and their implementation were directed by the highest representatives of military and administrative authorities which governed the territories on which these camps were established.

During the Second World War, in the territory of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia more than 70 concentration camps were established with 40 of them being located in the territory of the Independent State of Croatia (the widely known is Jasenovac and the complex of camps Jadovno).

Fifty years later, when the Communist Yugoslavia was dismantled and the war began, authorities of the ex-republics of Yugoslavia were involved in establishment of camps since their discrete members had received such tasks. On the territory of Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina during 1991-1997 there were at least 778 camps and private prisons (according to the record of Sava Vidanovic). On the territory of Kosovo and Metohia more than 100 camps and prisons were established by Albanian terrorists in the period of 1997-2000.

The camps can be arranged by:

First World War Romania Austro-Hungarian camp in Arad 24265
First World War Austro-Hungary Austro-Hungarian camp in Boldogasszony 271835
First World War Ceska Austro-Hungarian camp in Braunau 171520
First World War Ceska Austro-Hungarian camp in Jindrihovice 153210
First World War Austro-Hungary Austro-Hungarian camp in Mauthausen 279022
Yugoslav Wars Dalmatia Croatian camp Lora in Split 303319
First World War Germany German camp Kuhberg in Ulm 14850
Second World War Sumadia Nazi camp Banjica in Belgrade 16086
Second World War Serbia Nazi camp Barracks on the Sava in Šabac 137914
21st century Albania The Albanian camp "Yellow House" in Burrel 1999 21797100
Yugoslav Wars Albania The Albanian Camp Kukeš in 1999 20515
Yugoslav Wars Kosovo and Metohia The Albanian Camp Lapušnik in Kosovo 1998 214010
Yugoslav Wars Kosovo and Metohia The Albanian camp Likovac in Kosovo 1998-1999 235628
First World War Bosnia The Austro-Hungarian camp in Doboj 1915 15404
First World War Austro-Hungary The Austro-Hungarian camp in Sopronnyék 1915 12585
First World War Austro-Hungary The Austro-Hungarian camp in Veľký Meder 1914 13855
SFR Yugoslavia Bosnia and Herzegovina The Bosnian Muslims camp "Viktor Bubanj" in Sarajevo 1992 24500
Second World War Lika The Croatian (Ustasha) camp Complex- Gospić-Jadovno-Pag 1941 210410
Second World War Bosnia The Croatian (Ustasha) camp Krušćica in Bosnia 1941 18425
SFR Yugoslavia West Slavonia The Croatian camp Pakračka Poljana in Slavonia 1991 17977
Second World War Hungary The Hungarian camp in Barcs 1941 12105
Second World War Hungary The Hungarian camp Sárvár - WW2 195550
Second World War West Slavonia The Jasenovac camp 532480
Second World War Norway The Nazi camp Beisfjord in Norland 1942 231820
Second World War Germany The Nazi concentration camp Dachau in Munich in WW2 16210

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